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The Five Birds and the Cat Queen
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Excerpt from Music Observer’s Review: “What sets The Five Birds and the Cat Queen apart is its innovative integration of narrative and sound. Each page of the book invites readers to engage with music while conveniently turning the pages at the sound of a finger snap … the accompanying soundtrack aims to bring the story to life, offering readers a more immersive and interactive experience.
This book blends storytelling with classical music, crafted specifically for young and pre-readers. Introducing children to classical music can sometimes be daunting, but The Five Birds and the Cat Queen makes it accessible by wrapping music in an adventurous story. The innovative approach aims to capture readers’ imaginations, encouraging them to explore a universe where characters and melodies intertwine.
The illustrations burst with bold colors and captivating details, appealing to children while delighting adults. The narrative seeks to engage children not just through words but through the enriching experience of musical storytelling, making it a potentially delightful bonding experience for both children and caregivers.”